Concept Art by Marc Simonetti

The crown conspiracy mj sullivan   Concept Art by Annecy, France based artist Marc Simonetti, aka MarcSimonetti. Marc is a professional artist for 10 years now. He’sbeen working on various fields such as cover arts, concept arts for video game companies and long feature films, and matte paintings for TV advertisements.

Typography by Andi Bird

Veg out white Born in Chicago, Andi Bird has been creating since the age of five. Heavily influenced by her mother who was a fashion illustrator for the Chicago Daily News. and her father who worked as an art director at Foote Cone & Belding advertising agency and a renown sculptor, she was heading in […]

Abstract Paintings by Jaison Cianelli

Rise of the divine feminine Jaison Cianelli is a self-taught artist based in New Boston, NH. Cianelli specializes in large colorful abstract art paintings and abstract landscapes using acrylic paint, mixed media, as well as a digital medium. His work is expressed with spirit and spontaneity from emotions within and touches upon a familiar resonance […]

Elegant Sumi-e Paintings by Casey Shannon

Elegant ink wash paintings by Carmel, CA based artist Casey Shannon. Casey is a contemporary sumi-e painter reaching beyond the limits of traditional ink painting. Casey adheres to the traditional sumi-e principles and philosophies, as well as, the traditional preparation before beginning a sumi-e painting. Casey concentrates on trying to capture spirit as the ink […]