Short Hairstyles for Women

Short hairstyles for women have slowly become truly attractive. It seems centuries have passed from the era when short cuts were a sure source of scandal. Now, the most well-known fashion companies, such as Chanel, Lanvin and Balmain, use short hairstyles for their models.

35 Unique Nail Designs

Keen Eye unique nail design

Nail design has recently become an unstoppable trend, but it clearly remains a form of art with its unique rules and guidelines that offer an almost infinite space for personal creativity. In the same way in which technologies have turned each and everyone of us in potential witnesses and journalists, modern innovations allow people to […]

30+ Toe Nail Designs

Besides warmth and sunshine, summer and spring carry with them also the possibility to wear sandals and peep toe shoes, the chance to walk barefoot and the opportunity to let the skin breathe. As a matter of fact, it is not uncommon that people start feeling the necessity to say goodbye to winter clothes and […]

45+ Fearless Stiletto Nails

Nail art

Stiletto nails are audacious, fearless and elegant. And they surely add a layer of charm to the figure of the person who chooses them. They are also particularly fashionable. And the legion of curious and admirers who are interested in trying them is growing season after season.

Nail Art Ideas: An Artistic Journey

A touch of nail art history Far from being a simple gendered fashion, nail painting is a form of art that has been practiced for thousands of years. The first records regarding nail art ideas go back to ancient Egypt, almost 6000 years ago.

40 Examples of Elegant Nail Art

  Nail art is loved by women but different people have different favorite nail art ideas. In this post, I consolidated a collection of 40 examples of nail art, which looks minimalist, and elegant. If you like to see more awesome designs, check out our previous post, 50 Mind Blowing Designs of Nail Art

50 Mind Blowing Designs of Nail Art

It has become more and more popular for women to have colorful nails with trendy and artistic designs nowadays. Compared with other forms of fashion, such as clothes, jewellery, hairstyles, nail art is a cost effective way to create beauty of your own.