30 Ares Tattoo Designs: A Symbol of Strength

When it comes to tattoo designs that invoke strength, power, and courage, Ares, the Greek God of War, stands as a formidable choice. Ares tattoos can symbolize many facets of human emotion and experience, particularly those relating to conflict, bravery, and resilience. If you’re considering an Ares tattoo, this article will delve into the depth of its symbolism and explore a variety of design options.

Understanding Ares: The Greek God of War

Before we dive into the design ideas, it’s crucial to understand who Ares is and what he represents. In Greek mythology, Ares is the son of Zeus and Hera. He is the embodiment of physical valor, representing the untamed aspect of war and its brutal, violent, and chaotic nature.

Despite his ruthless persona, Ares is not just a symbol of war and destruction. He also represents courage, strength, and the ability to confront fear and danger. This duality makes Ares an intriguing subject for tattoos, offering a wealth of creative design opportunities.

Ares Tattoo Designs

Ares tattoo designs offer an immense range of versatility, easily adapting to diverse personal styles and narratives. Whether combined with symbols of peace like a dove, contrasting elements like the moon, or fellow Greek deities like Athena, these tattoos become a versatile canvas to express unique facets of your personality, values, and life experiences. These designs serve as a bold, artistic testament to the enduring warrior spirit within.

Ares Riding the Chariot Tattoo

Ares and his chariot horse

Ares riding a chariot driven by his sons, Phobos (Fear) and Deimos (Terror), is another popular design choice. This design can depict Ares in full battle mode, symbolizing the drive and determination needed to charge ahead, despite fear and terror.

Ares in Full Armor Tattoo

An Ares tattoo featuring the god in full armor is a powerful representation of strength and courage. This design can depict Ares armed with a helmet, shield, and spear, ready for battle. This tattoo can serve as a reminder of your inner strength and your ability to tackle life’s battles.

Ares and Aphrodite Tattoo

Aphrodite and Ares tattoo

An Ares and Aphrodite design can represent the tumultuous relationship between love and war. According to Greek mythology, Ares had an affair with Aphrodite, the goddess of love and beauty. This tattoo can be a unique representation of the balance and interplay between different aspects of one’s personality.

Ares Symbol Tattoo

For those who prefer minimalist designs, the symbol of Ares – a circle with an arrow pointing upwards – can make for an elegant and understated tattoo. This design is versatile and can be placed anywhere on the body. It’s a subtle nod to the god of war and can represent your fighting spirit.

Ares Fighting the Giants Tattoo

A tattoo design featuring Ares fighting the Giants can be a dramatic and visually striking piece of body art. This scene from Greek mythology showcases Ares’ power and courage. It can serve as a reminder of your ability to face your giants and overcome your obstacles.

Ares and Mars Tattoo

In Roman mythology, Ares is known as Mars, the god of war. A tattoo design featuring both Ares and Mars can represent the duality of the god and the common threads between Greek and Roman cultures. This tattoo can be a fascinating choice for those interested in ancient civilizations and their interconnected mythologies.

Ares Spartan Warrior Tattoo

A design featuring Ares as a Spartan warrior can be a powerful and masculine piece of body art. The Spartans were known for their military prowess and discipline, and Ares, as their patron god, embodied these traits. This tattoo can symbolize your warrior spirit and your resolve to face life’s battles with courage and determination.

Ares Spartan Warrior Tattoo

Ares and the Vulture Tattoo

Ares is often associated with the vulture in Greek mythology. A tattoo design featuring Ares with a vulture can symbolize the darker aspects of war and conflict. It can serve as a reminder of the consequences of war and the importance of striving for peace.

Ares and the Serpent Tattoo

In some tales, Ares takes the form of a serpent. An Ares and serpent tattoo can represent transformation and the ability to adapt to challenging situations. It can also symbolize wisdom, healing, and rebirth, adding a deeper layer of meaning to your Ares tattoo.

Ares Greek god tattoo

Ares Greek god tattoo

The powerful design features Ares in his typical Greek god form – a mature, bearded warrior adorned in ancient Greek armor. This design is an explicit homage to Greek mythology and a striking representation of Ares’ warlike nature.

Ares holding a long spear and a shield

Ares holding a long spear and a shield

Ares is often depicted holding his characteristic long spear and a shield, ready for battle. This design showcases his readiness for war and his aggressive nature. It’s a potent symbol of bravery, strength, and resilience, making it a perfect choice for those who identify with these qualities.

Ares holding a spear geometric tattoo

Ares holding a spear geometric tattoo

If you’re looking for a more modern twist, consider an Ares geometric design. This design incorporates geometric shape, creating a unique representation of Ares holding his spear. This tattoo is a perfect blend of tradition and contemporary art, making it a unique statement piece.

Ares holding a sword

Ares holding a sword

While Ares is often shown with a spear, a design featuring Ares holding a sword can be a powerful alternative. The sword is a universal symbol of power and protection, and when combined with Ares, it signifies the strength and courage to face any battle.

Ares portrait in armor helmet

Ares portrait in armor helmet

A portrait of Ares in his armor helmet can be a striking and detailed ink design. It emphasizes the warrior aspect of Ares and is a potent symbol of strength, protection, and resilience. This design can range from intricate and realistic to stylized and abstract, depending on your preference.

Ares portrait tattoo with words Fortuna Eruditis Fave

Ares portrait tattoo with words Fortuna Eruditis Fave

The Latin phrase ‘Fortuna Eruditis Fave’ translates to ‘fortune favors the brave.’ Pairing this inspirational quote with a portrait of Ares creates a design that’s not only visually impressive but also carries a powerful message. This tattoo can serve as a constant reminder to be brave and bold in the face of adversity.

Ares wielding his spear

Ares wielding his spear

A dynamic design featuring Ares wielding his spear is a testament to action, determination, and the warrior spirit. It’s a powerful depiction of Ares in the heat of battle, showcasing his ferocity and fearlessness.

Black and grey Ares arm tattoo

Black and grey Ares arm tattoo

The arm tattoo can be a sleek and modern take on the god of war. This design uses shades of black and grey, resulting in a striking and timeless piece of body art.

Sketchy Ares in armor tattoo with soldiers

Sketchy Ares in armor tattoo with soldiers

A sketchy Ares in armor design featuring soldiers can tell a story of war and conflict. This design can be a detailed, dynamic depiction of Ares leading his soldiers into battle, making it an engaging and narrative piece.

Traditional Ares tattoo sleeve

Traditional Ares tattoo sleeve

A traditional Ares design features various elements related to the god of war, such as his armor, weapons, and associated animals. It’s a bold and elaborate choice, perfect for those who want to make a grand statement.

Zeus and Ares tattoo sleeve

Zeus and Ares tattoo sleeve

A Zeus and Ares design can portray a compelling narrative of power, conflict, and dynamics within the pantheon of Greek gods. It can symbolize the balance between wisdom (Zeus) and raw power (Ares), making it rich in symbolism and storytelling.

Ares and Athena tattoo

Ares and Athena tattoo

A design depicting Ares alongside Athena, the goddess of wisdom and strategic warfare, beautifully contrasts two different aspects of conflict—raw power versus strategic intelligence. This design symbolizes the balance between gut-driven instinct and calculated strategy, making a captivating narrative for your skin.

Ares and dove tattoo

Ares and dove tattoo

Combining the imagery of Ares and a dove offers an unexpected juxtaposition. The dove, often symbolizing peace and love, contrasted with the fierce and warlike Ares, creates a design teeming with paradox. This design can represent the dichotomy within ourselves—the peaceful and the warrior, the gentle and the fierce.

Ares and Meander

Ares and Meander

Adding a Greek meander pattern to your Ares tattoo can give it a classic Greek aesthetic. A meander, or Greek key, is a decorative border constructed from a continuous line that keeps folding back on itself, symbolizing infinity or the eternal flow of things. This design can signify the enduring nature of the warrior spirit.

Ares and moon

Ares and moon

The moon is often associated with mystery, intuition, and the feminine aspect. An Ares and moon design could symbolize the harmony between masculine and feminine energies or the balance between action and introspection, power, and wisdom.

Ares and temple encircled with Meander

Ares and temple encircled with Meander

This design can depict Ares alongside an ancient Greek temple, encircled by a meander border. It’s an excellent choice for those who admire Greek architecture and culture, as it incorporates several elements of ancient Greece. This design is like a window into the past, reflecting the timeless nature of the warrior spirit.

Ares and temple

Ares and temple

A design featuring Ares alongside a Greek temple could symbolize reverence towards the god of war. Temples were places of worship in ancient Greece, so this design could represent an homage to the values that Ares embodies—courage, assertiveness, and resilience.

Ares and wing

Ares and wing

Adding wings to your Ares design could symbolize the idea of a protective warrior spirit or the concept of rising above challenges in life. Wings are often associated with freedom, ascension, and aspiration, adding a layer of symbolic depth to the Ares design.

Ares drawing tattoo

Ares drawing tattoo

A drawing tattoo, with its sketch-like quality, can be both visually appealing and unique. This style can range from something simple and minimalistic to a more detailed and intricate depiction of Ares, allowing plenty of room for personalization.

Ares fighting with lion

Ares fighting with lion

A dynamic scene of Ares battling a lion can be a powerful depiction of courage and strength. The lion, a symbol of power and courage itself, makes a fitting adversary for the god of war, resulting in a tattoo design that’s truly epic.

Ares god of war tattoo

Ares god of war tattoo

An Ares God of War design is a traditional representation of the ancient deity, usually featuring Ares in full battle gear. This design is a direct and powerful way to embody the raw energy and assertiveness associated with the god of war.

Ares god tattoo

Ares god tattoo

An Ares God design could depict Ares in a more divine aspect, perhaps showing him in a serene or regal pose. This design can serve as a reminder of the divine aspect of the warrior spirit, pointing to the idea that there’s a certain nobility and honor in fighting for what you believe in.

The Placement of Ares Tattoos

When you’re planning to get an Ares tattoo, the Greek god of war, placement is just as important as the design itself. So, let’s explore some exciting and bold placement ideas. Here are a few suggestions:


Ever considered wearing your heart on your sleeve? How about your spirit? A sleeve tattoo is a fantastic way to display a detailed and intricate Ares design. Given it’s a larger canvas, the sleeve can accommodate the fierce depiction of Ares in all his glory. Whether you choose a full or half sleeve, this placement is a great way to make a bold statement and show off the artistry of your tattoo design.

Ares tattoo sleeve

Black and grey Ares sleeve tattoo

Ares sleeve tattoo


If you’re looking for a spot that’s easy to show off and conceal as the situation demands, your forearm is an ideal pick. Ares’ emblematic helmet or his mighty spear can be a sleek and striking tattoo on the forearm. This placement is perfect for those who appreciate subtlety without compromising on the impact. Plus, it’s a fantastic conversation starter!

Ares forearm tattoo


Your back is like a broad canvas, waiting for a masterpiece. An Ares tattoo on the back allows for a larger, more complex depiction of the god of war. You can include elaborate scenes from Greek mythology or a large-scale, detailed image of Ares. This placement is perfect for those who prefer a more private display of their tattoos or those who want to go all out with the design without any spatial limitations.

Ares holding a shield and a spear

Ares holding a shield and a spear


The leg offers a lot of versatility for tattoo placement – you can go for the thigh, calf, or even the ankle. A leg tattoo can be as elaborate or as minimalistic as you prefer. A detailed scene of Ares in battle would look stunning wrapping around a calf, while a smaller emblem of Ares could make a bold statement on the ankle. Plus, a leg tattoo can be easily covered up or displayed, giving you control over when and where you show off your tattoo.

Ares and Zeus leg tattoo

Ares and Zeus leg tattoo

Shoulder Blade

For a slightly concealed yet impactful placement, consider your shoulder blade. An Ares tattoo here can be your secret source of strength and courage, hidden away under your clothing but always there when you need a reminder of your inner warrior. The shoulder blade offers enough space for a medium-sized Ares design, such as a powerful portrait of the god of war himself.

Ares shoulder blade tattoo

Conclusion: Embracing the Power of Ares

In conclusion, Ares tattoos offer a wealth of design possibilities, each with its unique symbolism. Whether you’re drawn to the strength and courage that Ares represents, or you’re intrigued by his dual nature, there’s an Ares tattoo design that’s perfect for you.

Remember, the best tattoo design is one that resonates with your personal style and the story you want to tell. So, whether you opt for a detailed scene from Greek mythology or a minimalist symbol, let your Ares tattoo be a testament to your inner strength and your warrior spirit. Happy tattoo planning!

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